Enable Smooth Scrolling Effect in Google Chrome without any Extensions

Do you know what is Smooth Scrolling? Smooth Scrolling helps to scroll a web page smoothly and fluidly instead of the large jumps while scrolling, moreover it helps you in reading a long web page easily. Without smooth scrolling, the browser page directly jumps down usually three lines at a time and doesn’t look good.

Most of the latest version of browsers such as Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera, Safari comes with this feature, but unfortunately the most popular and widely used web browser Google Chrome doesn’t come with this feature by default. But there is a hidden setting to enable this useful feature. Follow the simple steps to enable smooth scrolling in chrome.

Steps to Enable Smooth Scrolling in Chrome

  • Open a new tab and type chrome://flags/ and press enter.
    smooth scroll in chrome
  • It’ll open a secret configuration page of Google Chrome and It lets you enable or disable many hidden and experimental features.
  • Scroll down until you see Smooth Scrolling.enable smooth scrolling in chrome
  • Click on Enable and hit Relaunch Now button as shown in the above screenshot.

Voila. Happy Smooth Scrolling.

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