Top 7 Tips for Website Design Using Website Builder Tools

Making a website for a business today has become mandatory in this highly technology acclaimed world. These days, people highly prefer using the Internet in searching for services rather than physically moving around looking for one. Moreover, if you’re competitors are having their websites, you tend to loose potential clients and some good business.

Today, designing your own professional business website isn’t difficult as it used to be a few years back. If you are using the Internet on a daily basis, you would know what an ideal website look like, what kind of navigation they offer, how do they display their products and services, etc.Analyzing all these things will help you create a rough design of what your website would look like. Then you can use one from the several website builder tools available on the Internet to design your website.

Website Builders are the next generation tools to design websites within fraction of minutes and can be used even by novice users. These tools use the drag and drop method to design the webpages where a user needs to simply drag and drop the components they need on their website. Easy to use and affordable in price, these smart applications help even the small business holders to develop their website at a dirt cheap price.

However, there are certain pointers one must remember while designing their website using the website builder tools. These pointers will help you in designing an intriguing website that will help the customer navigate with ease throughout the website and convert them as potential buyers. Here are a few website design tips using website builder tools.

#1 Keep it simple

The website builder tools help you design even the most complex of website. However, the rule number one for designing your website is to keep your website simple! There is no need to load your website with auto-loading sounds, flashing animations, etc. These things no more attract more visitors but most times make your website slow and difficult to load. All you need while designing your website is some really good images, some simple sales content and navigation bar to browse through other pages on your website.

#2 Simple and To the Point Home Page

Second most important thing to remember is to keep your home page simple and to the point. This page should strictly home only the most important information about the services you provide on your homepage. Your other less important information can always be added on the different pages in your website.
#3 Working with Your Website Images

Make sure to use good quality images that closely relate to your business. This will relate the customers to your business. Also, though images make your website all the more captivating, one must ensure that these images are well optimized. Optimized images help your webpages load quickly thus reducing the wait time of your customers.

#4 Color Schemes

Too many colors on your website can cause pain to viewer’s eyes. And hence you must only use two to three mild colors while selecting the color scheme for your website. One of the best used color schemes is a plane white background, mild single color navigation bar, and a distinct color for the links on your pages.

#5 Fonts, Font Size and Font Color

Make sure to choose a font that’s simple and easy to read. People are quite familiar with fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, Calibri, Georgia, and Verdana which are also standard and professional fonts. Also, keep the font size medium so that the readers need not strain their eyes to read the content. Keep the font color to black.

#6 Navigation and Pages

Every website must have a navigation that displays different important pages related to your business. These pages then include: About Us, Services or Products, Gallery, Contact Us, Blog. Also, one must ensure to keep the page length small and provide the users with the information they want at a maximum of one scroll.

#7 Contact Numbers and Links

Help the customers with your contact numbers and links. One of the best ways to do this is place the numbers on the website header itself. Put a contact page link on every page. It can be frustrating to search for contact information and not find it.

Hope the above tips to design your business website using the website builder tools help you. Follow these tips and you will be able to come up with an extremely good website that will attract new customers and build brand awareness.

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