How to find your Facebook Profile ID or Page ID

Facebook profile ID is a unique number assigned to every Facebook profiles and pages. You can assign custom profile names in the place of numbers. Once a profile name or username has been created, the profile ID no longer shows in the address bar.

By default when anyone create an account in FB he/she will get a profile Id, later you can create a unique profile name as yours wish.  Do you know Mark Zuckerberg’s profile ID is 4, and 1-3 is no longer exists it’s for using testing purposes. To find your profile ID, if you are using custom profile names, the following two simple steps will help you.

Method 1

1. Go to your Facebook Profile.

2. Click on your profile Picture or Cover photo.

3. In the address bar you can see a large URL with lot of numbers, and your Profile Id is just before &type=

find my facebook profile id

Method 2

1. Open a new tab in your browser and copy the following URL and paste there and don’t hit Enter key.

2.Type your profile name after the slash just like this and hit enter.

3. Now you can see your profile id.

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