Facebook Phone, May be the Next Big thing

The Social Networking giant Facebook is busy in making its own Smart phone and it is set to launch by next year.To make their device precious Facebook hired Ex hardware and software engineers from Apple. Michal Bonikowski, a designer made a concept model of Facebook phone. According to his design Facebook phone looks totally in blue color, big 4.2 inch screen, 8MP back camera and 5MP front facing camera for better video chat experience.Facebook Phone, May be the Next Big thing.

Side look

Facebook Phone, May be the Next Big thing.

In Dock

Facebook phone, May be the next big thing

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Facebook Phone, May be the Next Big thing 1


Don’t forget this is only a mock up by creative designer and Facebook has not officially announced about this.

What do you think of the concept’s design? Would you buy a Facebook smartphone?

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Facebook Phone, May be the Next Big thing 2

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