Easily Control Your Privacy Settings in Google Chrome

Privacy Manager is feature rich extension which lets you access all the Chromes privacy settings in a single dropdown window and also the settings that are unavailable in chromes default settings window. You can access these unavailable settings (normally called Experimental settings) by typing “chrome://flags” in the address bar. But, don’t try to change these settings if you don’t know exactly what it is.

google chrome privacy settings
Privacy Manager

Get Privacy Manager From Chrome Web Store

The most useful feature I liked in this extension is, it lets you quickly open any tab in incognito mode (private browsing mode). Yes, its helpful because we can browse sensitive subjects without being tracked. 😉

Another great feature in Privacy Manager is  the option to clean all browser data when we open the browser next time. This startup browser data clearing is helpful if you are using a public computer.

Here are the features that you can accomplished with Privacy Manager.

  • 3-rd party cookies → Lets you avoid tracking by using 3rd party cookies.
  • Auto Fill → Allows you to turn form auto-filling option on/off.
  • Instant mode → Enables or disables the option to display real-time search results as you enter text in the Omnibox(Address bar)
  • Safe browsing mode → If enabled, Chrome does its best to protect you from phishing and malware.
  • Search Suggestion → On or Off real-time website suggestions as you type text in address bar.
  • Spelling Service →  On or Off spell check feature.
  • Translation service → If enabled, Chrome offers to translate pages that aren’t in a language you read.
  • Hyperlink auditing → Lets You opt in or out of being tracked whenever you click a hyperlink.
  • Alternative error pages → Allows or prevents Google Chrome from using the web service to resolve navigation errors


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